Most Recent Episode
1: The Crying Brick

1: The Crying Brick

The Younglings discuss making babies, newborns, weaning, tech and gadgets, a robo-boob, and childhood ‘firsts’.
Time: 50:52
The Younglings discuss making babies, newborns, weaning, tech and gadgets, a robo-boob, and childhood ‘firsts’.
Episode ID: 1000596483413
GUID: 63c580db4e7dcf7395015ed1:63c586f127405b1c568dc049:63c58f1c2847f2194fbd6c7f
Release Date: 16/01/2023, 23:35:33


First-time parents in the US and UK discuss the ups and downs or parenthood. With Amanda Knox, Christopher Robinson, Kylie Pentelow, and Brady Haran.

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