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Episode 5 with HuBMAP consortium

Episode 5 with HuBMAP consortium

Time: 20:47
Sean speaks with three scientists involved with the HuBMAP consortium about what it takes to bring over 300 diverse experts together to achieve a common goal. Prof Katy Börner from Indiana University, Dr John Hickey from Stanford University and Dr Andrea Radtke from the US National Institutes of Health all know each other from their involvement in the Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). They discuss the importance of teamwork and structure in bringing together a large and diverse group to solve a common problem. Developed in partnership with Science. Listen now
Episode ID: 1000593165914
GUID: Buzzsprout-11985590
Release Date: 05/01/2023, 19:30:00


A Science Magazine x abcam podcast series that explores the power of the scientific community and how partnerships, personal and professional (sometimes both!) have influenced world-leading scientists. For more inspiring stories that celebrate the impact of togetherness in science, go to: go.myabcam.com/together

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