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Connection Through Prayer

Connection Through Prayer

Prayer is what connects us to each other and to our Father.
Time: 30:04
Prayer is what connects us to each other and to our Father.
Episode ID: 1000522946842
GUID: 92eb350d-7bd2-4566-b87a-a807a7693117
Release Date: 24/05/2021, 23:30:10


Most people struggle to connect with God. We’ve created a Bible-based meditation podcast teaching you the skills to live from peace and grow your relationship with God.
Cultivate Connection is a weekly podcast where you spend 30 minutes focusing on scriptures from the word of God. When you subscribe, you'll receive the latest podcast direct to your inbox every Thursday, helping you find strength and encouragement in the quiet places.
Visit us online at https://www.cultivateconnection.com

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