

The story is about a beautiful girl Emma.  Noted for her beauty and cleverness, Emma is somewhat wasted in the small village of Highbury but takes a great deal of pride in her matchmaking skills. Unique among other women her age, she has no particular need to marry: she is in the unique situation of not needing a husband to supply her fortune.

Apple Books: Customer Ratings


 4.0 (151 Ratings)

Apple Books: Customer Reviews


A must read for youth
The book is great for readers with a lot in hope! This book delicately shows the character of Emma, who adores her father and decides to remain a celibate for the rest of her life. The characters, all except Mr.Knightly, revolve around Emma without tarnishing the goodwill she builds for herself from the reader.
The twist in the story at the end is something to look for.
Jane Austen had as usual done an excellent balance of love, anxiety, jealousy, disappointment and moral. This book does justice to the love required by the parents from their children and the duty of the children to their parents.
For a reader looking for something fresh and newly dusted from the cobwebs, this romance fiction is a must......